WORD CHOICE: seem, appear, look and sound.
SEEM and APPEAR have the same meaning but APPEAR is more formal:
They seem upset.
This appears to be a good solution.
You use LOOK to say how someone or something seems to you when you look at them:
Maureen looked tired.
That book looks good.
You use SOUND to say how someone or something seem to you when you hear or read about them, or hear them:
She sounds a lovely person.
The party sounded great.
He sounded tired.
SEEM can be followed by an adjective or an adjective and a noun:
She seemed happy.
He seems a nice man.
SEEM can also be followed by a verb in the infinitive:
His story seems to be true.
You seem to think it's my fault.
SEEM can be followed by as if or as though but not just by as:
It seems a small thing, but it's very important. (NOT it seems as...)
It seemed as if he wanted us to leave. (NOT it seemed as he wanted...)
Parece que sim...