Word of the Day FISK-PG FISK-PG PESKY significa incômodo, irritante, ridículo. We can talk about a PESKY mosquito, which disturbs us at night causing trouble sleeping. Talvez alguns PESKY details de um texto, que são difíceis de se entender. Twitter Facebook Google Tumblr Pinterest FISK PRAIA GRANDE Expression of the day: PER SE.PER SE /p3: sei/ - in and of itself It is not diet per se that makes people lose weight, but a comZERO CONDITIONAL You might have already heard about Conditional Sentences. Well, they are said to be three: the firFISK por Dentro / 70 Para ler, clique na imagem acima. Hints and laugh SLANGS, SLANGS, SLANGS... SLANGS are everywhere. They give the language different colors, make it lighter, modern and more iFISK on TWITTER STUDY AT FISK AND WATCH YOUR FAVORITE SERIES WITH NO SUBTITLES. "LUTAR, BUSCAR, ENCONTRAR E