TRUE COLORS AND MORE FISK-PG FISK-PG Colors... Let's learn a little bit about them. By the way, TRUE COLORS is an idiom used to express what really defines a person or a situation. The tragic end showed everybody Daniel's true colors: he is a criminal. Twitter Facebook Google Tumblr Pinterest FISK PRAIA GRANDE PIB.. e aí? Nesses tempos de política, um tema é sempre abordado e utilizado por candidatos (candidates) ZERO CONDITIONAL You might have already heard about Conditional Sentences. Well, they are said to be three: the firEnglish / Español - Learn something every day! Por aqui dizemos que o osso é duro de roer; em inglês, que a noz é dura de abrir. EssesWhat do you know about viruses? Viruses: A virus is a small piece of software that piggybacks on real programs. For example, aSinónimos and Idioms AIMING AT THE SKY - 51 questionsImprima as perguntas que desejar, responda-as e entregue-as ao seu professor. LESSONS 1 – 2 – 31) W