It is often correct to use either EACH or EVERY but they have slightly different meanings.

Use EACH when you are thinking about the people or things in a group separately, one by one:
Each student came forward to receive a medal (emphasizes that they came forward one after another).
Each time you exercise, you get a little stronger.

Use EVERY when you are thinking about the whole group of people or things together, with no exceptions:
Every student was given a prize (emphasizes that everyone in the group got a prize).
Warm up every time you exercise.

Do not use EACH with words such as 'almost', 'nearly' or 'not'. use EVERY:
Almost every window was broken.
Not every child enjoyed the party.

Do not use EACH in negative clauses. Use NONE:
None of the answers was correct. (NOT each of the answers...)

EACH and EVERY are followed by a singular verb:
Each item was checked.
Every member wears a uniform.

EACH and EVERY are usually followed by a singular pronoun or determiner (he, she, it, his, himself etc):
Each component can be replaced.
Every woman must decide for herself.

But you can use 'they', 'them', 'their' etc when you do not want to say whether people are male or female:
Every child has their own room.
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